Hermetia Illucens Industry

Black soldier fly is an insect of the genus Solidanus of the family Solidanus, diptera, found in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world.
Ecological Applications:
1. The content of protein and fatty acid in the body of black Solidfly is very high, and its crude protein content is very close to that of vegetable protein feed such as broad bean and sunflower seed, But it contains more fat than they do, and amino acids similar to fish meal but higher than ordinary soybean meal. The most important is that, compared with other protein feed, the black soldier fly body can hardly detect salmonella and other harmful bacteria.
2. Black solidflies like to feed on the droppings of birds and the garbage in life, and they like moist environment, so we can use black solidflies to deal with organic waste.
3. The larvae of the black soldier fly can be used for burn and post-wound healing, and the fly has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
4. The body of black soldier fly is rich in fat, which is a high quality raw material for biodiesel production.
Now, there are a microwave equipment can be used to process the Black soldier flies. It not only can dry it and prolong the expiration date, but also sterilize bacteria and make it so healthy that meet the requirements of market inspection.
If you want to build or expand a eco-friendly business, come and consult with us.